Julian Potvin-Bernal, U of T Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Pro-Environmental Behavior
Join us for an interdisciplinary discussion on pro-environmental behaviour bringing together a diversity of experts in sustainability, psychology, and engineering. We will focus on the role of behavioural design in advancing sustainability efforts and the associated opportunities, limitations, and ethical considerations. The seminar will consist of a short presentation to introduce and define the topic and establish a level playing field among attendees. This will be followed by an open discussion to explore behaviour change methods of addressing environmental issues and how they fit with informational and technological approaches. Ideally, we will reveal new opportunities for research and collaboration.
When: Tuesday 2 April 2019, 12:10pm-1:30pm
Where: Room 370, Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship
55 St. George Street – Toronto
RSVP by: 12 noon, Monday 1 AprilĀ 2019
RSVP-changes: Min Kim at psych_eng@mie.utoronto.ca
Academic: Prof. Li Shu at shu@mie.utoronto.ca
If fully booked, email Psych_Eng@mie.utoronto.ca to add your name to the waitlist.
Registrations are closed for this event.