Approximate periods of activity on major topics
- Behavior: Affordances, Environmentally conscious/significant/sustainable/pro-environmental behavior: 2011–
- Creativity in Design: Design fixation and functional fixedness: 2007–
- Biomimetic design, biologically inspired design, bio-analogous design: 2001-2014
- Design for remanufacture and repair: 1993-2001
- Other: 1992–
2023 (To be updated)
Rea AL, Corbit LH, Shu LH (2023) Journal of Mechanical Design
Halabieh S, Shu LH ((2023) Journal of Mechanical Design
Arabian K, Shu LH (2022) Sustainable Creativity: Overcoming the Challenge of Scale When Repurposing Wind-Turbine Blades ASME Journal of Mechanical Design (Published online July 21) October 2022; 144(10): 101402.
Rea AL, Corbit LH, Shu LH (2022) User perceptions of a range-based thermostat, in press, 29th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Conference, 4-6 April, Leuven, Belgium.
Sisson N, Impett E, Shu LH (2022) Can Induced Gratitude Improve Creative Performance on Repurposing Tasks? ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 144/5:051401-10. May 2022,
Saniei N, Shibata E, Lui S, Magcalas J, McPhee B, Tariq S, Shu LH (2021) Exploring a Temperature-Decreasing Shower Concept to Conserve Water and Temperature, ASME Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Virtual/Online. August 17-20, 2021, Paper Number: DETC2021-70671.
Halabieh S, Shu LH (2021) Reducing Waste Outflow to Motivate Water Conservation, ASME Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Virtual/Online. August 17-20, 2021, Paper Number: DETC2021-70670.
Arabian K, Shu LH (2021) Sustainable Creativity: Overcoming the Challenge of Scale When Repurposing Wind-Turbine Blades, ASME Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Virtual/Online. August 17-20, 2021, Paper Number: DETC2021-70668.
Sisson N, Impett E, Shu LH (2021) Can Gratitude Promote More Creative Engineering Design? ASME Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Virtual/Online. August 17-20, 2021, Paper Number: DETC2021-70664.
Sahar A, Shu LH (2021) Lessons Learned from Three Iterative Studies on Creativity Interventions, ASME Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Virtual/Online. August 17-20, 2021, Paper Number: DETC2021- 68984.
Sahar A, Farb N, Shu LH (2020) Mirroring Neurostimulation Outcomes Through Behavioral Interventions to Improve Creative Performance, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 16-19 August 2020, St. Louis MO USA, Paper number IDETC2020-22557/19328.
Arabian MEK, Addis DR, Shu LH (2020) Memory and Idea Generation Applied to Product Repurposing, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 16-19 August 2020, St. Louis MO USA, Paper number IDETC2020-22703/19325. (DTM)
Potvin-Bernal J, Hansma B, Donmez B, Lockwood P, Shu LH (2020) Influencing Greater Adoption of Eco-Driving Practices Using an Associative Graphical Display, Paper No: MD-19-1436, Journal of Mechanical Design, 142/3:031117. doi:
Kwon E, Ryan JD, Bazylak A, Shu LH (2020) Does Visual Fixation Affect Idea Fixation? Paper MD-19-1454, Journal of Mechanical Design 142/3: 031401. doi:
Pedret K, Shu LH (2019) Informing Design Defixation Using Interventions for Psychiatric Disorders, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 18-21 August, Anaheim CA USA, Paper number DETC2019- 98277. (DTM)
Kwon E, Ryan JD, Bazylak A, Shu LH (2019) Does Visual Fixation Affect Functional Fixedness? Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 18-21 August, Anaheim CA USA, Paper number DETC2019- 98276. (DTM)
Potvin-Bernal J, Shu LH (2019) Promoting Energy-efficient Driving Using Associative Graphical Displays: Can a Cup of Coffee Encourage You to Drive More Smoothly? Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 18-21 August, Anaheim CA USA, Paper number DETC2019- 97296. (DFMLC)
Kwon E, Pehlken A, Thoben KD, Bazylak A, Shu LH (2019) Visual similarity to aid alternative-use concept generation for retired wind-turbine blades, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 141/3:031106-031106-13. Paper No. MD-18-1447. Published Online December 20, 2018. doi: 10.1115/1.4042336
Ho J, Shu LH (2019) Need for Closure and individual tendency for design fixation and functional fixedness, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Special Issue on Design Creativity. First Published Online August 12, 2018. 233/2:476-492 (January).
Olteteanu A-M, Shu LH (2018) Object reorientation and creative performance. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 140 (3), 031102-031102-9. doi:10.1115/1.4038264.
Kwon E, Pehlken A, Thoben KD, Bazylak A, Shu LH (2018) Visual similarity and image recognition to aid concept generation, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 26-29 August, Quebec City QC, Canada, Paper number DETC2018-85670. (DTM).
Paniccia C, Shu LH (2018) Interventions to reduce automobile idling, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 26-29 August, Quebec City QC, Canada, Paper number DETC2018-85679. (DFLMC)
Jiang SRX, Inkermann D, Vietor T, Shu LH (2018) Generating reuse concepts for retired wind-turbine blades. Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress. 27-30 May, Toronto ON Canada, Paper number 187.
Olteteanu A-M, Shu LH (2017) Object reorientation and creative performance, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 6-9 August, Cleveland OH, USA, paper number DETC2017-67513. (DTM – Nominated for Best Paper Award).
Shu LH, Duflou J, Herrmann C, Sakao T, Shimomura Y, De Bock Y, Srivastava J (2017) Design for reduced resource consumption during the use phase of products, Keynote/Review Paper – CIRP Annals 66 (2), 635-658.
Lai SL, Shu LH (2016) Individual differences in tendency for design fixation,” Design Computing and Cognition 321-338.
Chou A, Shu LH (2015) Using analogies to explain versus inspire concepts. Special Issue of AIEDAM on Analogical Thinking in Design, 29/2(May):135–146. doi:10.1017/S0890060415000025 (online April 27). [Web][Full] © Cambridge University Press 2015
Shu LH, Srivastava J, Chou A, Lai S (2015) Three Methods for Identifying Novel Affordances, AIEDAM, Special Issue on Affordances in Design, Target issue: 29(3), Summer (Aug) Author Proof: Shu_etal_AIEDAMAffordances2015authorproofs copy © Cambridge University Press 2015
Srivastava J, Shu LH (2015) Considering Different Motivations in Design for Consumer-Behavior Change, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 2-5, Boston, MA, USA, DETC2015-47625. (Nominated for best paper award). [Full]
Srivastava J, Shu LH (2014) An ontology for unifying behavior-change literature, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology 63/1:173-176 [Web] [Full]
Lai S, Shu LH (2014) Do-it-yourselfers as Lead Users for Environmentally Conscious Behavior, 21st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, 18-20 June, Procedia CIRP, Volume/Issue 15C, pp. 431-436, doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.06.078 [Web] [Full]
Chou A, Shu LH (2014) Towards Extracting Affordances from Online Consumer Product Reviews, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 17-20, Buffalo, New York, USA, DETC2014-35288 ChouShu_DETC2014-35288
Son J, Shu LH (2014) The Mechanical Transformation and Environmentally Conscious Behavior, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM) 28/2:193-203 (May) [Web] [Full] © Cambridge University Press 2014
Feng T, Cheong H, Shu LH (2014) Effects of Abstraction on Selecting Relevant Biological Phenomena for Biomimetic Design, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, (published online August 7) Paper No: MD-14-1084, doi:10.1115/1.4028173 [Web] [Full – FengCheongShuJMD14-1084_Webready.pdf]
Cheong H, Shu LH (2014) Retrieving Causally Related Functions from Natural-language Text for Biomimetic Design, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 136:8/081008 (August – published online April 25) Paper No: MD-13-1389, doi:10.1115/1.4027494 [Web] [Full]
Cheong H, Hallihan GM, Shu LH (2014) Design problem solving with biological analogies: A verbal protocol study, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM) (February), 28:1/27-47. [Web] © Cambridge University Press 2014 [Web]
Feng T, Cheong H, Shu LH (2014) Effects of Abstraction on Selecting Relevant Biological Phenomena for Biomimetic Design, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 17-20, Buffalo, New York, USA, DETC2014-35296
Srivastava J, Shu LH (2014) The Affordance of Absence, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 17-20, Buffalo, New York, USA, DETC2014-35285 SrivastavaShuDETC2014-35285
Srivastava J, Shu LH (2013) Encouraging Resource-Conscious Behaviour Through Product Design: The Principle of Discretization, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design Vol.135, no. 061002. [Full]
Srivastava J, Shu LH (2013) Affordances and Product Design to Support Environmentally Conscious Behaviour, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design Vol.135, no. 101006. [Full]
Hallihan G, Shu LH (2013) Considering Confirmation Bias in Design and Design Research, Transactions of the SDPS: Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 17/4:19-35, doi:10.3233/jid-2013-0019. [Full]
Cheong H, Shu LH (2013) Reducing cognitive bias in biomimetic design by abstracting nouns, CIRP Annals, 62/1:111-114. [Abstract] [Full]
Cheong H, Shu LH (2013) Using templates and mapping strategies to support analogical transfer in biomimetic design, Design Studies, 34/6:706-728. [Abstract] [Full]
Biron V, Lalumire Boucher M, Bergeron A, Marcil-St-Onge F, Gharib N, Luk-Cyr J, Potvin M-J, Radziszewski P, Shu LH (2013) Design of a Lunar Dust Resistant Connection Interface Using Biomimetic Strategies, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, 59/2:1-11. [Full]
Srivastava J, Shu LH (2012) Affordance and Environmentally Significant Behavior, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Chicago, IL, August 12-15, DETC2012-71253 (DTM). [Full]
Srivastava J, Shu LH (2012) Designing Products to Encourage Conservation: Applying the Discretization Principle, Proceedings of 19th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Berkeley, California, USA, May 23-25, 2012, pp.569-574. [Abstract] [Full]
Son JJ, Shu LH (2012) Role of Transformation Principles in Enabling Environmentally Significant Behavior, Proceedings of 19th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Berkeley, California, USA, May 23-25, pp.563-568. [Abstract] [Full]
Cheong H, Shu LH (2012) Automatic Extraction of Causally Related Functions from Natural-Language Text for Biomimetic Design, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Chicago, IL, August 12-15, DETC2012-70732 (DTM) [Full]
Son JI, Raulf C, Cheong H, Shu LH (2012) Applying Patterns of Transformation in Biology to Design, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Chicago, IL, August 12-15, DETC2012-71296 (DTM).[Full]
Cheong H, Hallihan GM, Shu LH (2012) Understanding Analogical Reasoning in Biomimetic Design: An Inductive Approach, Design Computing and Cognition 2012, College Station, TX, June 7-9. [Full]
Hallihan GM, Cheong H, Shu LH (2012) The Role of Cognitive Bias and Confirmation in Design, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Chicago, IL, August 12-15, DETC2012-71258 (DTM). [Full]
Chiu I, Shu LH (2012) Investigating Effects of Oppositely Related Semantic Stimuli on Design Concept Creativity, Journal of Engineering Design Special Issue on Design Creativity, 23/4:271-297. [Full]
Srivastava J, Shu LH (2011) Encouraging Environmentally Conscious Behavior through Product Design: The Principle of Discretization, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA, August 29-31, DETC2011-48618 (DTM). [Abstract] [Full]
Shu LH, Ueda K, Chiu I, Cheong H (2011) Biologically Inspired Design, Keynote/Review Paper – CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 60/2:673-693. [Abstract] [Full]
Cheong H, Chiu I, Shu LH, Stone R, McAdams D (2011) Biologically Meaningful Keywords for Functional Terms of the Functional Basis, Journal of Mechanical Design, 133:021007. [Abstract] [Full]
Hallihan GM, Shu LH (2011) Creativity and Long-term Potentiation: Implications for Design, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA, August 29-31, DETC2011-48595 (DTM). [Abstract] [Full]
Cheong H, Chiu I, Shu LH (2010) Extraction and Transfer of Biological Analogies for Creative Concept Generation, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 15 – 18, DETC2010-29006 (DTM). [Abstract] [Full]
Ke J, Wallace JS, Shu LH (2010) Design Improvements on a Bipolar Plate with Passive Water Management Using the Biomimetic Design Method, Proceedings of the 8th International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology Conference, Brooklyn, New York, USA, June 14-16, FUELCELL2010-33349. [Abstract] [Full]
Ke J, Chiu I, Wallace JS, Shu LH (2010) Supporting Biomimetic Design by Embedding Metadata in Natural-Language Corpora, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 15 – 18, DETC2010-29057 (DTM). [Abstract] [Full]
Fung K, Wallace JS, Shu LH (2010) Water management concepts in PEMFC with TRIZ and Biomimetic design methods, Proceedings of the 8th International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology Conference, Brooklyn, New York, USA, June 14-16, FUELCELL2010-33348.[Full]
Cheong H, Shu LH (2010) Supporting Creative Concept Generation by Engineering Students with Biomimetic Design, Proc. Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA), Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, June 7-9. [Abstract] [Full]
Labrecque-Piedboeuf J-F, Bergeron A, Biron V, Marcil-St-Onge F, Bois-Von Kursk H, Jacques M, Potvin M-J, Shu L (2010) Design of a Lunar Dust Resistant Connection Interface Using Biomimetic Strategies, Proceedings of 15th Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Astronautics Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 4-6. [Full]
Chiu I, Shu LH (2010) Potential Limitations of Verbal Protocols in Design Experiments, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, August 15-18, DETC2010-28675 (DTM). (DTM Best Paper Award) [Full]
Lenau T, Cheong H, Shu L (2010) Sensing in nature: using biomimetics for design of sensors, Measurement and Control 43/2:58-61. [Full]
Shu L (2010) A Natural-language Approach to Biomimetic Design, in Special Issue on Biologically Inspired Design of the Journal on Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM), 24:4/507-519. [Abstract] [Full] [Web]
Radcliffe P, Wallace JS, Shu LH (2010) Stationary Applications of Energy Storage Technologies for Transit Systems, IEEE Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC) Sustainable Energy for an Intelligent Grid, Nova Scotia, Halifax, Aug. 25, #1787.[Full]
Chiu I, Shu LH (2009) The Effects of Language Stimuli on Design Creativity, Sixth International Conference on Innovation and Practices in Engineering Design and Engineering Education, Hamilton, Ontario, July 27 – 29. [Abstract] [Full]
Cheong H, Shu LH (2009) Effective Analogical Transfer Using Biological Descriptions Retrieved with Functional and Biologically Meaningful Keywords, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, August 30 – September 2, DETC2009-86680 (DTM). [Abstract] [Full]
Ke J, Wallace JS, Shu LH (2009) Supporting Biomimetic Design Through Categorization of Natural-Language Keyword-Search Results, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, August 30 – September 2, DETC2009-86681 (DTM). [Abstract] [Full]
Davidson M, Bligh D, Maloney N, McKnight C, Young W, Shu LH, Potvin MJ, Warkentin A (2009) Biomimetic Design of a Multi-Layered Dust Protection System for Optical Instruments Operating in the Lunar Environment, Sixth International Conference on Innovation and Practices in Engineering Design and Engineering Education, Hamilton, Ontario, July 27 – 29. [Abstract] [Full]
Currie J, Fung K, Mazza AG, Wallace JS, Shu LH (2009) A Comparison of Biomimetic Design and TRIZ Applied to the Design of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, Sixth International Conference on Innovation and Practices in Engineering Design and Engineering Education, Hamilton, Ontario, July 27 – 29. [Abstract] [Full]
Lenau T, Cheong H, Shu L (2008) Sensing in Nature: Using Biomimetics for Design of Sensors, Sensor Review, 28/4:311-316. (Outstanding Paper Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2009) [Abstract] [Full]
Nagel RL, Midha PA, Tinsley A, Stone RB, McAdams DA, Shu LH (2008) Exploring the Use of Functional Models in Biomimetic Conceptual Design, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design Vol. 130, no. 121102. [Abstract] [Full]
Cheong H, Shu LH, Stone R, McAdams D (2008) Translating Terms of the Functional Basis into Biologically Meaningful Keywords, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, NYC, NY, USA, August 3-6, DETC2008-49363 (DTM). [Abstract] [Full]
Mak TW, Shu LH (2008) Using descriptions of biological phenomena for idea generation, Research in Engineering Design, 19/1:21-28. [Abstract] [Full]
Chiu I, Shu LH (2008) Use of Opposite-relation Lexical Stimuli in Concept Generation, CIRP Annals, Vol. 57/1:149-152. [Abstract] [Full]
Chiu I, Shu LH (2008) Effects of Dichotomous Lexical Stimuli in Concept Generation, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, NYC, NY, USA, August 3-6, DETC2008-49372 (DTM).[Abstract] [Full]
Chiu I, Shu LH (2007) Using Language as Related Stimuli for Concept Generation, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM), 21/2:103-121. [Abstract] [Full] [Web] © Cambridge University Press 2007
Chiu I, Shu LH (2007) Understanding the Use of Language Stimuli in Concept Generation, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 4-7, DETC2007-35772 (DTM). [Abstract] [Full]
Chiu I, Shu LH (2007) Biomimetic Design through Natural Language Analysis to Facilitate Cross-Domain Information Retrieval, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM), 21/1:45-59. [Abstract] [Full] [Web] © Cambridge University Press 2007
Saitou K, Shalaby M, Shu LH (2007) Bioanalogous Mechanical Joints for Authorized Disassembly, CIRP Annals, Vol. 56/1:33-36. [Abstract] [Full]
Tinsley, A., Midha, P.A., Nagel, R.L., McAdams, D.A., Stone, R.B., Shu, L.H (2007) Exploring the use of Functional Models as a Foundation for Biomimetic Conceptual Design, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 4-7. DETC2007-35604 (DTM). [Abstract] [Full]
Vakili, V., Chiu, I., Shu, L.H., McAdams, D., Stone, R. (2007) Including Functional Models of Biological Phenomena as Design Stimuli, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 4-7. [Abstract] [Full]
Shu, L.H., Stone, R.B., McAdams, D.A., Greer, J.L. (2007) Integrating Function-Based and Biomimetic Design for Automatic Concept Generation, International Conference on Engineering Design 2007, Paris, France, 28-31 August. [Abstract] [Full]
Shu LH (2006) Using Biological Analogies for Engineering Problem Solving and Design, Proceedings of 3rd CDEN/RCCI International Design Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 24-26, (Invited Contribution). [Abstract] [Full]
Shu L, Hansen H, Gegeckaite A, Moon J, Chan C (2006) Case Study in Biomimetic Design: Handling and Assembly of Microparts, Proceedings of 2006 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 10-13. DETC2006-99398 (DTM).[Abstract] [Full]
Chiu I, Shu LH (2005) Bridging Cross-Domain Terminology for Biomimetic Design, Proceedings of 2005 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Long Beach, California, USA, September 24-28. DETC2005/DTM-84908. [Abstract] [Full]
Chiu I, Shu LH (2005) A Cross-Domain Application of Natural Language Processing In Biology, BioLINK, Detroit, Michigan, USA, June 24. [Full]
Chiu I, Shu LH (2004) Natural Language Analysis for Biomimetic Design, Proceedings of 2004 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 28-October 2, DETC2004/DTM-57250. [Abstract] [Full]
Mak T, Shu LH (2004) Use of Biological Phenomena in Design by Analogy, Proceedings of 2004 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 28-October 2, DETC2004/DTM-57303. [Abstract] [Full]
Mak T, Shu LH (2004) Abstraction of Biological Analogies for Design, CIRP Annals, Vol. 53/1:117-120. [Abstract] [Full]
Shu LH (2004) Biomimetic Design to Enable Sustainable Product Development, Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering, Berlin, Germany, September 29 – October 1. (Invited Paper) [Full]
Shu LH (2004) Generalizing the Biomimetic Design Process, Canadian Design Engineering Network Design Conference, Montreal, Quebec, July 29-30. (Invited opening paper) [Abstract] [Full]
Shu LH (2004) Biomimetic Design for Remanufacture in the Context of Design for Assembly, Proceedings of the I Mech E Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 218/3:349-352. (Invited Paper) [Abstract] [Full]
Shu LH, Lenau TA, Hansen HN, Alting L (2003) Biomimetics Applied to Centering in Microassembly, CIRP Annals, 52/1:101-104. [Abstract] [Full] (Basis for CIRP F.W. Taylor Medal Award)
Hacco E, Shu L (2002) Biomimetic Concept Generation Applied to Design for Remanufacture, Proceedings of 2002 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Montreal, Canada, September 29-October 2, DETC2002/DFM-34177. [Abstract] [Full]
Shu LH (2002) Biomimetic Design for Remanufacture in the Context of DFA, Invited paper for International Forum on Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Newport, RI, June 10-12.[Full]
Vakili V, Shu LH (2001) Towards Biomimetic Concept Generation, Proceedings of 2001 ASME Design Technical Conferences, Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., September 9-12, Paper No. DETC2001/DTM-21715. [Abstract] [Full]
Williams J, Shu L (2001) Analysis of Remanufacturer Waste Streams Across Product Sectors, CIRP Annals, 50/1:101-104. [Full]
Williams J, Shu L (2001) Analysis of Remanufacturer Waste Streams for Electronic Products, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, Denver, CO, USA, May 7-9, pp. 279-284. [Full]
Lam A, Sherwood M, Shu LH (2001) FMEA-based Design for Remanufacture using Automotive-Remanufacturer Data, SAE 2001 Congress, Design for the Environment Technical Session, Detroit, MI, USA, March 5-8, Paper No. 2001-01-0308. [Full]
Wolf AR, Shu LH, Venter RD (2001) Design of an Evaluative Tool for a Multi-Station Injection Molding System, Proceedings of 2001 ASME Design Technical Conferences, Design for Manufacturing Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., September 9-12, Paper No. DETC2001/DFM-21187. [Full]
Murayama T, Shu LH (2001) Treatment of reliability for reuse and remanufacture, Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2001), December 11-15, Tokyo, Japan, pp.287-292. [Full]
Sherwood M, Shu LH (2000) Supporting Design for Remanufacture through Waste-Stream Analysis of Automotive Remanufacturers,” CIRP Annals, Vol. 49/1, pp. 87-90. [Full]
Sherwood M, Shu LH (2000b) Modified FMEA using Analysis of Automotive Remanufacturer Waste Streams to Support Design for Remanufacture, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical (Design Theory and Methodology) Conferences , Baltimore, MD, USA, September 10-13, Paper No. DETC2000/DTM-14567. [Full]
Sherwood M, Shu LH (2000a) Remanufacturer Waste-Stream Data Collection for Development of Design-for-Remanufacture Guidelines, Proceedings of NSF Design & Manufacturing Research Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, January 3-6. [Full]
Williams J, Shu L (2000) Analysis of Toner-Cartridge Remanufacturer Waste Stream,” Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment , San Francisco, CA, USA, May 8-10, pp. 260-265. [Full]
Williams J, Shu L, Murayama T (2000) Current Status of Extended Producer Responsibility Legislation and Effects on Product Design, Proceedings of the ASME Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, July 23-26, Paper No. 2000JUSFA-13000. [Full]
Murayama T, Obata HS, Narutaki N, Oba F, Shu L (2000) Production Planning Based on Reliability Models for Part Reuse, Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Life Cycle Engineering, International Institution for Production Engineering Research (CIRP), Tokyo, Japan, November 27-29. [Full]
Murayama T, Hatakenaka S, Narutaki N, Oba F, Shu L (2000) Simulation Based on Petri Nets for Planning Life Cycles and Supply Chains, Proceedings of the ASME Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, July 23-26, Paper No. 2000JUSFA-13001. [Full]
Jiang Z, Shu L, Benhabib B (2000) Reliability Analysis of Non-Constant-Size Part Populations in Design for Remanufacture,” Transactions of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 122, No. 2, (June), pp. 172-178. [Full]
Bonert M, Shu L, Benhabib B (2000) Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Assembly Systems, International Journal of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing , Vol. 13, No. 4, (July), pp. 301-310. [Full]
Sherwood M, Shu LH (1999) Analysis of the Waste Stream of an Original Equipment Remanufacturer: Towards the Development of Integrated Life-Cycle Design Guidelines, Proceedings of 6th International Seminar on Life Cycle Engineering, International Institution for Production Engineering Research (CIRP), Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 21-23, pp. 102-111. [Full]
Jiang Z, Shu L, Benhabib B (1999) Steady-State Reliability Analysis of Repairable Systems Subject to System Modifications, Transactions of ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 121, No. 4, (December), pp. 614-621. [Full]
Jiang Z, Shu L, Benhabib B (1999) Reliability Analysis of Non-Constant-Size Part Populations in Design for Remanufacture, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical (Design for Manufacture) Conferences , Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 12-16, Paper No. DETC99/DFM8935. [Full]
Shu L, Flowers W (1999) Application of a Design-for-Remanufacture Framework to the Selection of Product Life-Cycle Fastening and Joining Methods, International Journal of Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (Special Issue: Remanufacturing), Vol. 15, No. 3, (June), pp. 179-190. [Full]
Murayama T, Hatakenaka S, Namito M, Shu L (1999) Modeling and Simulation of Products’ Life Cycles Using Petri Nets, International Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 4, (December), pp. 373-375. [Full]
Bonert M, Shu L, Benhabib B (1999) Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Assembly Systems,” Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical (Design Automation) Conferences, Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 12-16, Paper No. DETC99/DAC-8649. [Full]
Bonert M, Shu L, Benhabib B (1999) Optimal Motion Planning of Multi-Robot Assembly Systems Performing Point-to-Point Assembly Operations,” Proceedings of 17th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, May 30 – June 3, pp. 335-336. [Full]
Jiang Z, Shu L, Benhabib B (1998) Reliability Analysis of Repairable Systems Subject to System Modifications, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical (Design for Manufacture) Conferences , Atlanta, GA, USA, September 13-16, Paper No. DETC98/DFM-5728. [Full]
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Yu H, Shu L, Venter R (1998) An Enhanced Axiomatic Design Process, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical (Design Theory and Methodology) Conferences, Atlanta, GA, USA, September 13-16, Paper No. DETC98/DTM-5653. [Full]
Shu L, Flowers W (1998) Reliability Modeling in Design for Remanufacture, Transactions of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 120, No. 4, (December), pp. 620-627. [Full]
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Shu L, Flowers W (1996) Towards Life-Cycle Fastening and Joining Cost Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering (Design for Manufacture) Conferences, Irvine, CA, USA, August 18-22, Paper No. 96-DETC/DFM-1709. [Full]
Shu L, Wallace D, Flowers W (1996) Probabilistic Methods in Life-Cycle Design, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, Dallas, TX, USA, May 6-8, pp. 7-12. [Full]
Shu L, Flowers W (1995) Considering Remanufacture and Other End-of-Life Options in Selection of Fastening and Joining Methods, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, Orlando, FL, USA, May 1-3, pp. 75-80. [Full]
Shu L, Flowers W (1994) Teledesign: Groupware User Experiments in Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design, Collaborative Computing, Vol. 1, No. 1, (March), pp. 1-14. [Full]
Shu L, Flowers W (1993) A Structured Approach to Design for Remanufacture,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Intelligent Concurrent Design: Fundamentals, Methodology, Modeling & Practice, presented at the ASME Winter Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 28-Dec. 3, pp. 13-19. [Full]
Shu L, Flowers W (1992) Groupware Experiences in Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design, Proceedings of Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 1-4, pp. 179-186. [Full]